Writing Intensive Courses
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is a Writing Intensive (WI) course?
Writing Intensive (WI) course uses writing as a tool for learning and thinking. BCC offers over 300 WI courses every semester in many different majors. You will not only learn to write but use writing to learn different materials in your classes.
Q: How many WI courses do I need to take before graduation?
You need to take at least TWO WI courses before graduation. Make sure you discuss this requirement when you see your advisor to register for classes.
Q: How can I search for WI courses?
When you search for classes on CUNYFirst Class Search or BCC Course Finder, select “Writing Intensive Course” as a Course Attribute.
Q: Does ENG 110, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116 count as Writing Intensive?
No. While these courses may have a lot of writing assignments, these courses are NOT designated as Writing Intensive. If you would like to take an English Writing Intensive course, you can take English literature courses.
Q: How can I check to see if I have fulfilled the Writing Intensive requirement?
Check your DegreeWorks worksheet. The worksheet will show you the number of Writing Intensive courses you have completed or will need to take to fulfill the Writing Intensive requirement.
Q: I am a transfer student and I have already taken Writing Intensive courses at my previous college. Can these courses count toward my WI requirement?
Yes. Writing Intensive courses taken at other colleges may be counted toward this requirement. Please talk to your advisor for details.