Beyond BCC WAC
BCC Writing Center
Located in Sage 100, BCC students can expect to meet with trained tutors and receive personal, one-on-one instruction that will lead them to be independent learners, thinkers, and writers. Faculty can also refer their students to see tutors.
CUNY WriteSite
CUNY WriteSite is an Online Writing Lab—a collection of writing resources and a way of interacting with other CUNY writers through the Internet. WriteSite offers online instructional support in grammar and style, help with each stage of the writing process, and hints for how to handle various kinds of writing, throughout the disciplines.
Purdue Online Writing Lab
The most comprehensive and up-to-date tutorials and explanations of all aspects of scholarly writing. Great for students who are just beginning or advanced students and faculty in need of a refresher.
WAC Clearinghouse
Learn more about how faculty across the country are implementing WAC principles in college teaching. Find books, journals, and additional resources.